Noise Ordinance

Our general policy offers detailed information about guidelines for an event in our conference center. Our goal is to ensure the most seamless, enjoyable, and safe function. Please contact us with any questions. We have the policy here in its entirety and also available to read by section.

Noise Ordinance
CCACC guests are expected to adhere to the Town’s noise ordinance as referenced below.

Article designated noise control code.
This article shall be known as the "Noise Control Code for the Town of Pittsboro". It shall be unlawful for any person to create or assist in creating, permit, continue or permit the continuance of any unreasonably loud or disturbing noises in the Town of Pittsboro. Noises of such disturbing character, intensity, or duration as to be detrimental to the quality of life, or health of any individual are prohibited.

Terminology and standards

17-101 Terminology. All terminology used in this article not defined below shall be in conformance with applicable publications of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or its Successor body.

17 - 101.1 A-weighted sound level: The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighting network. The level so read is designed dB(A).

17 - 101.2 
Decibel (dB): A unit for describing the amplitude of sound, equal to twenty (20) times the logarithm to the base ten (10) of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is twenty (20) micronewtons per square meter.

17 -101.3 Emergency work: Any work performed for the purposes of preventing or alleviating physical trauma or property damage threatened or caused by an existing or imminent peril.

17 -101.4 
Nuisance noise levels: Noise levels which do not exceed the noise thresholds but create an irritating impact sufficient to disturb an individual's sleep pattern or the peace and quiet of a residential neighborhood.

17 - 101.5 Outdoor amplified sound: Any sound using amplifying equipment whose sound is outside or whose source is inside and the sound propagates to the outside through open doors or windows or other openings in the building.

17 -101.6 Sound amplifying equipment: Any device for the amplification of the human voice, music or any other sound, including juke boxes, stereos and radios.

17 - 101.7 Sound Level: The weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of a sound level meter and frequency weighting network, such as A, B, or C as specified in American National Standards Institute Specifications for the sound level meters (ANSI Sl.4-1971, or the latest approved version thereof). If the frequency weighting employed is not indicated, the A­ weighting shall apply.

17 - 101.8 Sound level meter: An instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time average, output meter, and weighting network used to measure sound pressure levels.

17 -101.9 Sound pressure level: Twenty (20) times the logaritlun to the base ten
(10) of the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the reference pressure of twenty (20) micronewtons per square meter.

17 -102 Standards. Standards, instrumentation, personnel, measurement procedures and reporting procedures to be used in the measurement of sound as provided for in this section shall be those as specific herein:

17 -102.1 Sound level measurement shall be made with a sound level meter using the "A" weighting scale, set on "slow" response.

17 - 102.2 Sound level meters shall be of at least Type Three meeting American National Standard Institute Incorporated (ANSI) Sl.4-1971 requirements. The entire sound measurement system shall be serviced and calibrated and operated as recommended by the manufacturer. Persons using the sound level meters shall be trained in sound level measurement and the operation of sound level measurement
17 - 102.3 The Town Manager or his designee shall issue a general order adopting standards and procedures for sound level measurements and enforcement consistent with this article

Maximum permitted sound levels.

17 – 201 The use of sound amplifying equipment is limited to the conditions specified in this section.

17 - 202 No person or group of persons shall operate or cause to be operated any source of sound in such a manner as to create a sound level which at its peak exceed the limits set forth herein below when measured beyond the property line from which the sound originates.

17 – 203 A live musical group or individual using sound amplifying equipment may operate out of doors only if the business manager or an authorized agent of that business manager has been granted a permit. This permit may be secured after it is signed by an authorized agent of the musical group and by a representative of the individual organization or the group retaining the services of the musical group and on whose premises the amplifying equipment is to be used.

17 – 204 The following are established as maximum sound levels:

17-204.1 Nighttime sound levels (after 11:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m.) may not exceed fifty (50) dB (A) except as noted in (4.3) below.

17-204.2 Daytime/evening sound levels (between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.) may not exceed sixty (60) dB(A) except as noted in (4.3) below.

17 -204.3 Daytime/evening sound levels in excess of sixty (60) dBA(A) will be permitted upon issuance of a permit and allow sound levels exceeding those set above as follows:

Thursday evening (5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Thursday) 70dB(A)

Friday evening (5:00 p.m. - Midnight Friday) 70dB(A)

Saturday (10:00 a.m. - Midnight Saturday) 70dB(A)

17 - 204.4 Except as otherwise allowed by section 17-307 and section 17-401, a permit to exceed sound levels may only be issued during the days and times listed in section 17-204.3, to a maximum level of seventy (70) dB(A). No outside­ amplified sound will be allowed unless a permit has been issued, subject to the exemptions set out in section (NUMBER).

Noises prohibited nuisances.

17 - 300 General prohibitions. It shall be unlawful to create, cause or allow the continuance of any loud, disturbing, unusual, frightening or unnecessary noise, particularly during nighttime, which prevents or unreasonably interferes with neighboring residents' reasonable use of their properties. Such noise may include, but is not limited to, the following:

17 – 301 Yelling, shouting, whistling or singing. Yelling shouting, whistling or singing on the public streets or private property at nighttime.

17 – 302 Loading Operations. Noise resulting from loading, unloading, opening or otherwise handling boxes, crates, containers, garbage cans, or other similar objects during nighttime.

17 – 303 Repair of motor vehicles. Noise resulting from the repair, rebuilding or testing of any motor vehicle during nighttime.

17 – 304 Radio, phonograph, television, or musical instrument. Noise resulting from the playing of any radio, phonograph, musical instrument, television, or any such device, particularly during nighttime.

17 -305 Nuisance noise which does not exceed the noise threshold but creates an irritating impact sufficient to disturb an individual's sleep pattern or the peace of a residential neighborhood.

17 – 306 Specific Prohibitions. The following acts are prohibited and shall be considered nuisance acts:

I 7 - 306.1 Horns and signaling devices. The intentional sounding of any horn or signaling device of a motor vehicle on any street or public place continuously or intermittently, except as a danger or emergency warning.

17 - 306.2 Motor vehicles. Operating or permitting the operation of any motor vehicle or motorcycle not equipped with a muffler or other device in good working order so as to
effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom.

17 - 306.3 Exterior loud speakers. Operating or permitting the operation of any mechanical devices or loudspeaker, without a permit to do so, in a fixed or movable position exterior to any building, or mounted in/on any motor vehicle or watercraft in such a manner that the sound therefrom is in excess of the maximum decibel level as described in section 17A-204.

17 - 306.4 Power equipment. Operating or permitting the operation of any power saw, sander, drill, grinder, leaf blower, lawn mower, or other garden equipment, or tools of a similar nature, outdoors during nighttime.

17 - 306.5 Explosives. The use of firing explosives, firearms,fireworks, or similar devices which create impulsive sound.

17 - 306.6 Security alarms. The sounding of a security alarm, for more than twenty (20) minutes after being notified by law enforcement personnel.

17 – 307 The following are exempt from the provisions of this article:

17 - 307.1 Sound emanating from regular scheduled outdoor events with a permit.

17 - 307.2 Construction operations from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday; such work is prohibited on Sunday for which building permits have been issued, or construction operations not requiring permits due to ownership of the project by an agency of government; provided all equipment is operated in accord with the manufacturer's specifications and with all standard mufflers and noise reducing equipment in use and in proper operating condition. Any exceptions to this provision must comply with 17-400, which described the process, the procedure by which permits to exceed limits may be obtained.

17 - 307.3 Noise resulting from safety signals, warning devices and emergency pressure relief valves.

17 - 307.4 Noises resulting from any authorized emergency vehicle when responding to any emergency call or acting in time of emergency.

17 - 307.5 Any other noise resulting from activities of a temporary duration permitted by law and for which a license or permit therefore has been granted by the Town in accordance with the above. Regulations of noises emanating from operations under permit shall be according to conditions and limits stated on the permit and contained above.

17 - 307.6 Unamplified and amplified sound at street fairs conducted by or for the Town of Pittsboro.

17 - 307.7 All noises coming from the normal operations of properly equipped watercraft.

17 - 307.8 All noises coming from the normal operation of motor vehicles properly equipped with the manufacture's standard mufflers and noise-reducing equipment.

17 - 307.9 Noise from lawful fireworks and noisemakers on federal holidays.

17 - 307.10 Noises resulting from lawn mowers, agricultural equipment, and landscape maintenance equipment used between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekends, when operated with all manufactures standard mufflers and noise-reducing equipment in use and in operating condition.

17 - 307.11 Noise resulting from sound amplification equipment used in conjunction with telecommunications systems on business properties to notify employees of incoming phone calls, providing that this system be used only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10 p.m., and that any speakers attached to the system be oriented toward the interior of the property.

17 - 307.12 Noises resulting from emergency work necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a fire, accident or natural disaster, or to restore public utilities, or to protect persons or property from an imminent danger.

17 - 307.13 Noises resulting from the provision of government services.

17 - 307.14 Noise resulting from the provision of sanitation services.

Permit to exceed limits

17 -401 Who may apply? Any person or group of persons may produce or cause to be produced sound in excess of sixty (60)dB(A) only during the hours specified in section 17-204, and only if a permit to exceed the limit for the time and place of the activity has been previously issued by the Town Manager.

17 – 402 Application or permit. Any person or group of persons desiring a permit shall apply as provided herein, and shall provide all information required.

17 – 403 Timeliness of application. The business manager or authorized agent or any person or group of persons desiring a permit for a live musical group or individuals to perform out of doors using sound amplifying equipment must make application forty-eight (48) hours prior to the activity for which the permit is requested

17- 404 Action by Town Manager. The Town Manager or his designee will act upon all requests for permits.

17 -405 Consideration by Town Manager. In considering and acting on all permits pursuant to this article, the Town Manager or his designee, shall consider, but shall not be limited to the following, in issuing or denying such permit: The timeliness of the application; the time of the event; other activities in the vicinity of the location proposed; the frequency of the application; the effect of the activity on the residential areas of the Town; impact on surrounding areas; previous experience with the applicant; and previous violations, if any, of the application.

17 -502 Nighttime Offenses I Subsequent Offenses: If a second violation occurs within sixty (60) days of the first offense or if an offense occurs during nighttime, an oral order to cease or abate need not be issued prior to issuing a citation for violation of any portion of this article.

17 – 503 Civil Penalty: If the order to cease or abate the noise is not complied with, or if a second violation occurs within sixty (60) days of the first offense or if an offense occur during nighttime, a person or persons responsible for the violation may be subject to a civil penalty in the amount of one hundred and no/1OOths dollars ($100.00). Violators may be issued a written citation, which must be paid within five (5) days of the issued date and time. The town attorney, or his designee, is authorized to file a civil action on behalf of the town to collect any unpaid citations, and the police chief, or his designee, is authorized to verify and sign complaints on behalf of the town in such civil actions. A police officer or other
employee duly authorized to enforce the noise control ordinance may issue a citation for violation of this ordinance.

17 - 504 Remedies: This Article may also be enforced through equitable remedies issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.

17 -505 Criminal Penalty: In addition to, or in lieu of, such civil penalties or other remedies, violation of this article shall constitute a misdemeanor pursuant to N. C. Gen. Stat. 14-4 and N.C. Gen. Stat. 160-175, as amended, punishable for each violation by a fine of up to five hundred and no/ 1OOths dollars ($500.00). A police officer or other officer enforcing subject matter jurisdiction or other duly authorized noise control officer may initiate the criminal process as provided by law.

Noise Control Code for the Town of Pittsboro approved February 26, 2001.